RIB Security – Part 3
Obviously your best bet is to remove all equipment from your RIB and store it in the garage or other secure area. Make sure you lock hatches and consoles if at all possible – if your RIB doesn’t have them, or they are broken, you can purchase hatch locks at any marine store. When possible, valuable and easily removed items should be secured in a locked compartment. Lockers should be equipped with non-removable hasps and hinges and secured with padlocks. Lock outboard motors and fuel tanks to the RIB using a specialist lock like this from Fulton.
Insure It
Insurance is an important part of any theft protection plan. Contact our recommended broker here for a competitive quote for RIB insurance.
Report It
What should you do if you are a victim of marine theft? Immediately report your loss to your local police force and their maritime crime unit if they have one.When a loss occurs, the ability to positively identify property is crucial to its recovery and the prosecution of thieves and dealers in stolen goods so following the mark it and film it advice earlier is crucial.
Here is the Marine team at Devon and Cornwall Constabulary with an Avon SIB on the River Axe that has taken part in an initiative to deter the thefts of outboard engines and boat equipment. They have been working in partnership with commercial organisations and developed an outboard engine cover which has the Devon and Cornwall and ‘selectadot’ logo.
The boat cover is supplied with a container of ‘selectadot’ which is a microdot security marking system using pinhead sized microdots printed with a unique serial number and a central property registration telephone number. This solution can be applied up to 15 pieces of equipment including the cover, engine and any other equipment. For more information on ‘selctadot visit the website at: www.selectamark.co.uk
By following the above suggestions you can reduce the risk of loss of your boat, trailer or equipment by theft.
You should also exercise caution when buying a boat or running across a “good deal” on equipment. To avoid problems, match the HIN listed on the title and registration to the one on the boat. Inspect the HIN on the transom to be sure it has not been altered in any way.